PSY240H1 Lecture : Textbook note-Chapter 17-Substance Related Disorders Apr 8
PSY240: April 8
Chapter 17: Substance Related Disorders
Substance Abuse
substance: natural or synthesized product that has psychoactive effects ± it changes perceptions,
thoughts, emotions, and behaviours
substance related disorder: when someone structures their live around substance and forget their
duties and responsibilities (not when people use it for religious purposes)
Substance Intoxication
substance intoxication: set of behavioural and psychological changes that occur as a direct result of
the physiological effects of a substance on the CNS
people's expectations about the drug may lead them to experience that effect
diagnosis only given if:
behavioural nd psychological changes are significantly maladaptive
leading to disruption of family and social relationships
place individual at severe risk for adverse effects
set of physiological and behavioural symptoms that result when people who have been using
substance heavily for prolonged periods of time stop using substances or greatly reduce their use
symptoms of withdrawal are typically the opposite symptoms of the same substance diagnosed with
the label of intoxication
must cause severe impairment of function to be diagnosed
recurrent use of a substance results in significant harmful consequences
4 categories of harmful consequences
1. fails to fulfil important obligations
2. repeatedly uses the substance in situations in which it is physically hazardous to do so
3. repeatedly has legal problems as a result of substance use
4. continues to use the substance even though he repeatedly had social or legal problems as a
result of the use
z must show repeated problems in at least one of the 4 categories within a 12 month period
z dependence is considered more advanced condition than abuse
drug addiction
physiological dependent: when he shows tolerance or withdrawal from the substance
tolerance: present when a person experiences less and less effect from the same dose of substance
and needs greater and greater doses of substance in order to achieve intoxication
slow activity in CNS
make ppl relaxed and sleepy, reduce concentration, and impair thinking and motor skills
low doses lead to euphoria and less inhibition
high doses lead to symptoms of depression
can impair sexual functioning
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must show repeated problems in at least one of the 4 categories within a 12 month period. dependence is considered more advanced condition than abuse. Depressants make ppl relaxed and sleepy, reduce concentration, and impair thinking and motor skills. Long term effects of alcohol abuse alcohol induced persisting amnesic disorder: permanent cognitive disorder. Wenickes encephalopathy: mental confusion and disorientation, and coma. Benzodiazepines and barbiturates are legal and sold by prescription for anxiety and insomnia similar symptoms to alcohol people may become depends on them unknowingly from their prescriptions. Inhalants: gasoline, glue, paint thinners, and spray paints. Stimulants activated the cns, causing feelings of energy, happiness, and power, decrease of sleep and appetite is also observed. Amphetamines street names; meth, speed, and chalk same symptoms as cocaine including perceptual illusions www. notesolution. com cardivascular problems. Nicotine alkaloid found in tocacco works by relaeasing dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and endogenous opiods. 2-3 cups of coffee can cause restlessness, nervousness, and tremors.