PSY370H1 Lecture : PSY370 LEC 05.docx

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Kaplan & simon: also talk about memory indexing (information is store in memory in an organized manner) weisberg & alba had the same notion (compartmentalization). With this in mind, let"s look at the phenomena of incubation if people leave the problem alone and go away and they will get the insight they need when they focus on something else (sheldon cooper) The assumption: the unconscious is doing important work on the problem. It"s related to memory indexing because of the issue of transfer when encountering a problem we store it in memory in a way that it will aptly transfer to new problems we encounter. More current term: predictive encoding encode information in a way that will predict/transfer well to future (anticipatory aspect to memory storage) Incubation adds an extra dimension: at the folk psychology level there is the assumption that the unconscious is playing a part in this predictive encoding that facilitates the transfer of information.