PSY493H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Visual Cortex, Lateral Geniculate Nucleus, Inferior Temporal Gyrus

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Takes raw input of light (membrane polarization)
Light -> ganglion cells -> amacrine cell -> bipolar cell ->horizontal cell -> cone/rod
Photoreceptors: Rod & Cones
Light energy -> electrochemical energy
120 M rods vs. 6 M cones (more rods than cones)
Rods (abundant in retina)
Contain pigment Rhodopsin
Sensitive to small amount of light (in the dark)
Detect black, white and grey
Located in the periphery of the fovea
Many rods connect to one ganglion cell
Cones (sparse in retina)
3 different pigments called photopsins
Short wavelength -> blue
Medium wavelength -> green
Long wavelength -> Red
Sensitive to large amount of light
Detect Color
Located at mostly at fovea
Few cones to ganglion (specificity)
Huge concentration of cones
Rods vs. Cones
Rods are more useful at low light levels
Many rods to each ganglion cell = less resolution
Cones are better for detecting colour and detail
Few cones to each ganglion cell = more resolution
Receptive field
Area of space where a neuron maximally fires
Neuron is said to prefer a given stimulus
Also true for auditory, somatosensory systems
Center-surround Receptive Fields
Each cell has an excitatory and inhibitory area of sensitivity
On-center = activated
Off-center = deactivated
Ganglion cells (innervate the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN))
Some processing at the retina!
M cells (Parasol) -> magnocellular layer of LGN
Motion, B&W(rods), fast, large receptive fields!
P cells (Midget) -> parvocellular layer of LGN
Precise, colour (cones), slow, small receptive fields!
Visual pathways
Contralateral organization of visual pathways
Info from the right visual field is directed solely to the primary visual cortex (V1) on
the left hemisphere (left visual field to right hemisphere)
From Retina to Brain
Two main pathways
Tectopulvinar path
Geniculostriate path (LGN)
Tectopulvinar pathway
Retina -> superior colliculus -> pulvinar -> extrastriate cortex (V2)
Sensitive to motion and novelty
Contains 10% of optic nerves
Receives input from M cells
Sensitive to periphery, not fine detail
Automatic eye movement orientation
Geniculostriate pathway (LGN path)
Retina -> lateral geniculate nucleus 0 -> primary visual cortex (V1, striate
Sensitive to colour and fine grained detail
Contains 90% of optic nerves
Receives input from M & P cells
LGN visual pathway
How does the brain convert sensory signals into the coherent objects we perceive?
Right nasal and right temporal -> left LGN
Left nasal and left temporal -> right LGN
Ipsilateral eye projects to layers 2, 3, 5
Contralateral eye to projects to layers 1, 4 and 6
Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN)
Properties of LGN: Morphonogy
Not all retinal maps the same
M & P origins are maintained in LGN
Parvocellular layers
Receive input from midget ganglion cells (P cells) in the retina
Small cells
Top 4 layers (3, 4, 5, 6)
Magnocellular layers
Receive input from parasol ganglion cells (M cells) in the retina
Large cells
Bottom 2 layers (1, 2)
Retinotopic Organization
Two paths within LGN
Magnocellular Pathway Parvocellular pathway
M cells
Color insensitive
Large receptive fields
Fast, transient
More sensitve at low contrest/ low spatial
ACTION! (parietal lobe)
P cells
Color sensitive
Small receptive fields (finer resolution)
Slow, sustained
More sensitive at high contrast/ high spatial
Object Recognition! (infero-temporal
Primary Visual Cortex (V1)
1st stop in cortex
Binocular integration (depth integration)
Computes simple features
Ocular dominance
Spatial location
Spatial frequency
What is represented in striate cortex (V1)?
RF not spots of light as in LGN, but "bars" of light orientation
Simple cells prefer: orientation and location
Complex cells prefer: orientation
Hyper-complex cells prefer: orientation and length
How is V1 organized?
In orientation columns and ocular dominance columns in cortical layers
Visual organization
Neuronal preferences grow increasingly more complex
Receptive fields increase in size
TEO: posterior inferotemporal lobe
TE: anterior inferotemporal lobe
Object invariance: recognize object in different orientation
Dorsal stream (where) Ventral stream (what)
Medial superior temporal area &
middle temporal area
How? Lesion studies: Damage to
parietal lobe (dorsal stream) impair
spatial task (where)
Extrastriate and inferior temporal
How? Lesion studies: Damage to temporal lobe
(ventral stream) impairs object recognition
Cortical blindness
Extensive striate damage
Some of these patients show preservation of some visual discernment
But they have no awareness of "seeing"
V1 is necessary for conscious visual awareness
Dorsal visual stream (where)
Creates spatial map of the world
Track objects as they move
Spatial perception and action
Prepare for movement
Has LARGE receptive field
Optic Ataxia
Can recognize objects but cannot use info to guide action
Can see objects but cannot reach for them
Ventral visual stream (what)
Inferotemporal cortex
Process complex objects
Irrespective of orientation
Selectivity of objects
hands, tools, faces (strongest response -> weakest response)
Small receptive field at V1 (striate cortex) / large receptive field at IT
(inferotemporal cortex)
"what" object visual perception must solve problems of
Scale invariance
Contrast variation
Testing invariance of recognition
Cue-from invariance
Perceptual constancy
Adaption (Repetition reduction)
Roles of Lateral occipital complex (LOC) in invariance
fMRI adaptation to same shape with different contour!
Apperceptive agnosia
Problem forming percepts
Can perceive parts, but not a meaningful whole
Cannot see integrated object
"I can’t see IT!"
Associate agnosia
Can perceive meaningful whole, but can’t link with knowledge
Problem accessing semantic info
Can see integrated object but don't know what it is
"I can see it, but I don't know what it is!"
Apperceptive agnosia Associate agnosia
Varying degrees of perceptual problems
(depend on lesion extent)
Deficit in copying form
Can’t perceive high-order visual structure
Can’t integrate parts into whole
Problem in object constancy
Viewing position
Damage in occipital lobe
Can copy complex objects but cannot
identify them
Perceptual grouping intact
Can copy objects but
Can't recall from memory
Can’t match to function
But can match to visual
Damage in temporal lobe
The How pathway hypothesis
Patient D.F. - Apperceptive agnosia
Perception condition: Indicating using hand-held card - cannot put the card
Action condition: indicating by " posting in slot" - can put the card
She had damaged to her lateral occipital lobe in the what pathway (ventral), but her
where pathway (dorsal stream) is not damaged, which is the pathway for action. Thus
she cannot recognize the object but she can still perform the action.
Lesions to dorsal stream(where): optic ataxia (superior parietal lobe)
Inability to use visual info to reach out for objects located in the hemifield
contralateral to the lesion.
No difficulty recognizing objects that are presented in any part of the visual field
Lesion to ventral stream(what): visual agnosia
Inability to form a visual percept or link that percept the meaning
These patients often have no difficulty using vision to avoid obstacles
Double Dissociation:
Apperceptive agnosia (damage ventral) Optic ataxia (damage dorsal)
Impaired perception
Intact action
Appropriate reaching/grasping
Intact perception
Impaired action
Eye: inappropriate saccades
Hand: impaired reaching/grasping
Perception (what) Action (how) Site of Damage
Apperceptive agnosia Ventral
Optic ataxia Dorsal
Special Agnosia: Prosopagnosia
Inability to perceive faces
Can perceive other objects though
Intact semantic info
Can process holistically, just not faces
Damage to FFA
Bilateral or right lesions
What does the face inversion effect tell us?
Face inversion effect: difficulty remembering/perceiving inverted relative to upright
When upright: holistic/ configural processing of subtle relations b/w features
Overall configuration is critical for face identification and recognition
When inverted: local processing of features
Don’t notice configural violations
Prosopagnosics perform equivalently to controls on inverted faces
Impaired configural/holistic processing
Intact analytic/local processing
Fusiform Face Area (FFA)
Greeble experiment (face vs. expertise)
FFA and configural encoding
"greebles": part of greebles have fixed spatial relationships
All subjects began as novice recognizers
Train to recognize individuals
Evidence of configural processing
"greeble inversion effect"
Increased with training
As subjects gained expertise the "face area" of the brain responded more
strongly to "greebles" = evidence for plasticity
1. Evolutionary perspective
2. More active for faces than other configural objects
3. Prosopagnosics can differentiate configural objects but not faces
Selective areas in Extrastriate
-Fusiform face area (FFA)
-Extrastriate body area (EBA)
-Parahippocampal place area (PPA)
-Visual word form area (VWFA)
-Lateral occipital complex (LOC) - invariance
Image is inverted in retina
Left visual field
If lesion in area 2 then
black spot in your VF
area 2
Right visual cortex
Image projected in inverted fashion
Lecture 3
Friday, May 25, 2018 2:05 PM
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Takes raw input of light (membrane polarization)
Light -> ganglion cells -> amacrine cell -> bipolar cell ->horizontal cell -> cone/rod
Photoreceptors: Rod & Cones
Light energy -> electrochemical energy
120 M rods vs. 6 M cones (more rods than cones)
Rods (abundant in retina)
Contain pigment Rhodopsin
Sensitive to small amount of light (in the dark)
Detect black, white and grey
Located in the periphery of the fovea
Many rods connect to one ganglion cell
Cones (sparse in retina)
3 different pigments called photopsins
Short wavelength -> blue
Medium wavelength -> green
Long wavelength -> Red
Sensitive to large amount of light
Detect Color
Located at mostly at fovea
Few cones to ganglion (specificity)
Huge concentration of cones
Rods vs. Cones
Rods are more useful at low light levels
Many rods to each ganglion cell = less resolution
Cones are better for detecting colour and detail
Few cones to each ganglion cell = more resolution
Receptive field
Area of space where a neuron maximally fires
Neuron is said to prefer a given stimulus
Also true for auditory, somatosensory systems
Center-surround Receptive Fields
Each cell has an excitatory and inhibitory area of sensitivity
On-center = activated
Off-center = deactivated
Ganglion cells (innervate the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN))
Some processing at the retina!
M cells (Parasol) -> magnocellular layer of LGN
Motion, B&W(rods), fast, large receptive fields!
P cells (Midget) -> parvocellular layer of LGN
Precise, colour (cones), slow, small receptive fields!
Visual pathways
Contralateral organization of visual pathways
Info from the right visual field is directed solely to the primary visual cortex (V1) on
the left hemisphere (left visual field to right hemisphere)
From Retina to Brain
Two main pathways
Tectopulvinar path
Geniculostriate path (LGN)
Tectopulvinar pathway
Retina -> superior colliculus -> pulvinar -> extrastriate cortex (V2)
Sensitive to motion and novelty
Contains 10% of optic nerves
Receives input from M cells
Sensitive to periphery, not fine detail
Automatic eye movement orientation
Geniculostriate pathway (LGN path)
Retina -> lateral geniculate nucleus 0 -> primary visual cortex (V1, striate
Sensitive to colour and fine grained detail
Contains 90% of optic nerves
Receives input from M & P cells
LGN visual pathway
How does the brain convert sensory signals into the coherent objects we perceive?
Right nasal and right temporal -> left LGN
Left nasal and left temporal -> right LGN
Ipsilateral eye projects to layers 2, 3, 5
Contralateral eye to projects to layers 1, 4 and 6
Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN)
Properties of LGN: Morphonogy
Not all retinal maps the same
M & P origins are maintained in LGN
Parvocellular layers
Receive input from midget ganglion cells (P cells) in the retina
Cone input predominates
Small cells
Top 4 layers (3, 4, 5, 6)
Magnocellular layers
Receive input from parasol ganglion cells (M cells) in the retina
Large cells
Bottom 2 layers (1, 2)
Retinotopic Organization
Two paths within LGN
Magnocellular Pathway
Parvocellular pathway
M cells
Color insensitive
Large receptive fields
Fast, transient
More sensitve at low contrest/ low spatial
ACTION! (parietal lobe)
P cells
Color sensitive
Small receptive fields (finer resolution)
Slow, sustained
More sensitive at high contrast/ high spatial
Object Recognition! (infero-temporal
Primary Visual Cortex (V1)
1st stop in cortex
Binocular integration (depth integration)
Computes simple features
Ocular dominance
Spatial location
Spatial frequency
What is represented in striate cortex (V1)?
RF not spots of light as in LGN, but "bars" of light orientation
Simple cells prefer: orientation and location
Complex cells prefer: orientation
Hyper-complex cells prefer: orientation and length
How is V1 organized?
In orientation columns and ocular dominance columns in cortical layers
Visual organization
Neuronal preferences grow increasingly more complex
Receptive fields increase in size
TEO: posterior inferotemporal lobe
TE: anterior inferotemporal lobe
Object invariance: recognize object in different orientation
Dorsal stream (where) Ventral stream (what)
Medial superior temporal area &
middle temporal area
How? Lesion studies: Damage to
parietal lobe (dorsal stream) impair
spatial task (where)
Extrastriate and inferior temporal
How? Lesion studies: Damage to temporal lobe
(ventral stream) impairs object recognition
Cortical blindness
Extensive striate damage
Some of these patients show preservation of some visual discernment
But they have no awareness of "seeing"
V1 is necessary for conscious visual awareness
Dorsal visual stream (where)
Creates spatial map of the world
Track objects as they move
Spatial perception and action
Prepare for movement
Has LARGE receptive field
Optic Ataxia
Can recognize objects but cannot use info to guide action
Can see objects but cannot reach for them
Ventral visual stream (what)
Inferotemporal cortex
Process complex objects
Irrespective of orientation
Selectivity of objects
hands, tools, faces (strongest response -> weakest response)
Small receptive field at V1 (striate cortex) / large receptive field at IT
(inferotemporal cortex)
"what" object visual perception must solve problems of
Scale invariance
Contrast variation
Testing invariance of recognition
Cue-from invariance
Perceptual constancy
Adaption (Repetition reduction)
Roles of Lateral occipital complex (LOC) in invariance
fMRI adaptation to same shape with different contour!
Apperceptive agnosia
Problem forming percepts
Can perceive parts, but not a meaningful whole
Cannot see integrated object
"I can’t see IT!"
Associate agnosia
Can perceive meaningful whole, but can’t link with knowledge
Problem accessing semantic info
Can see integrated object but don't know what it is
"I can see it, but I don't know what it is!"
Apperceptive agnosia Associate agnosia
Varying degrees of perceptual problems
(depend on lesion extent)
Deficit in copying form
Can’t perceive high-order visual structure
Can’t integrate parts into whole
Problem in object constancy
Viewing position
Damage in occipital lobe
Can copy complex objects but cannot
identify them
Perceptual grouping intact
Can copy objects but
Can't recall from memory
Can’t match to function
But can match to visual
Damage in temporal lobe
The How pathway hypothesis
Patient D.F. - Apperceptive agnosia
Perception condition: Indicating using hand-held card - cannot put the card
Action condition: indicating by " posting in slot" - can put the card
She had damaged to her lateral occipital lobe in the what pathway (ventral), but her
where pathway (dorsal stream) is not damaged, which is the pathway for action. Thus
she cannot recognize the object but she can still perform the action.
Lesions to dorsal stream(where): optic ataxia (superior parietal lobe)
Inability to use visual info to reach out for objects located in the hemifield
contralateral to the lesion.
No difficulty recognizing objects that are presented in any part of the visual field
Lesion to ventral stream(what): visual agnosia
Inability to form a visual percept or link that percept the meaning
These patients often have no difficulty using vision to avoid obstacles
Double Dissociation:
Apperceptive agnosia (damage ventral) Optic ataxia (damage dorsal)
Impaired perception
Intact action
Appropriate reaching/grasping
Intact perception
Impaired action
Eye: inappropriate saccades
Hand: impaired reaching/grasping
Perception (what) Action (how) Site of Damage
Apperceptive agnosia Ventral
Optic ataxia Dorsal
Special Agnosia: Prosopagnosia
Inability to perceive faces
Can perceive other objects though
Intact semantic info
Can process holistically, just not faces
Damage to FFA
Bilateral or right lesions
What does the face inversion effect tell us?
Face inversion effect: difficulty remembering/perceiving inverted relative to upright
When upright: holistic/ configural processing of subtle relations b/w features
Overall configuration is critical for face identification and recognition
When inverted: local processing of features
Don’t notice configural violations
Prosopagnosics perform equivalently to controls on inverted faces
Impaired configural/holistic processing
Intact analytic/local processing
Fusiform Face Area (FFA)
Greeble experiment (face vs. expertise)
FFA and configural encoding
"greebles": part of greebles have fixed spatial relationships
All subjects began as novice recognizers
Train to recognize individuals
Evidence of configural processing
"greeble inversion effect"
Increased with training
As subjects gained expertise the "face area" of the brain responded more
strongly to "greebles" = evidence for plasticity
1. Evolutionary perspective
2. More active for faces than other configural objects
3. Prosopagnosics can differentiate configural objects but not faces
Selective areas in Extrastriate
-Fusiform face area (FFA)
-Extrastriate body area (EBA)
-Parahippocampal place area (PPA)
-Visual word form area (VWFA)
-Lateral occipital complex (LOC) - invariance
Image is inverted in retina
Left visual field
If lesion in area 2 then
black spot in your VF
area 2
Right visual cortex
Image projected in inverted fashion
Lecture 3
Friday, May 25, 2018 2:05 PM
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Document Summary

Right nasal and right temporal -> left lgn. Left nasal and left temporal -> right lgn. Ipsilateral eye projects to layers 2, 3, 5. Contralateral eye to projects to layers 1, 4 and 6. M & p origins are maintained in lgn. Receive input from midget ganglion cells (p cells) in the retina. Receive input from parasol ganglion cells (m cells) in the retina. If lesion in area 2 then black spot in your vf area 2. More sensitve at low contrest/ low spatial frequency. More sensitive at high contrast/ high spatial frequency. Rf not spots of light as in lgn, but bars of light orientation. In orientation columns and ocular dominance columns in cortical layers. Medial superior temporal area & middle temporal area. Lesion studies: damage to parietal lobe (dorsal stream) impair spatial task (where) Lesion studies: damage to temporal lobe (ventral stream) impairs object recognition (what) Some of these patients show preservation of some visual discernment.

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