RLG100Y1 Lecture : Christian Origins, Paul, Early Church Doctrines, Monasticism
Document Summary
Jesus was born a jew around 4 b. c. e. the birth of jesus: roman date of december 25th and armenian date of january 6th, both are of later origin, we don"t know his actual birth date. Jesus grew up in northern palestinian town: gospels tell us of at least 6 other children in his family (4 brothers and sisters . Jesus was eventually executed by being nailed onto a cross in same way: thousands of jews crucified following destruction of 2nd temple, expected messiah by jews is not only to be religious leader, morally righteous, but. Jesus belonged to messianic age in jewish time sense of urgency also political leader, descendent of line of david fro hebrew bible. Jesus wasn"t innovating anything new, simply teaching it with sense of urgency. Hebrew prophecy of the messiah coming to redeem humankind: all three gospels called synoptic gospels, last gospel is gospel of john composted at turn of 1st century.