RLG229H1 Lecture : bynum class
Document Summary
resurrection goes back way before medieval times. resurrection is the concept that we will die and on judgement day be brought back to life in a bodily form. resurrection begins with jews the book of enoch. Jews first idea was that people die at go to an underworld place, shol, and some go straight up to heaven. what does personal continuity have to do with dying and ones body. In two maccabeus, resurrection is mentioned, the maccabeus are willing to die because they will be resurrected, willing to die in a noble way. christians believe that if christ has been raises, then the dead will also. bynum says that resurrection is both philosophical but also very technical when it comes to resurrection. what bodily form, depending on different circumstances. Medicalization of the cell scientific revelation directed at humans. when does science become necessary o give birth.