SOC201H1 Lecture Notes - Stoicism, Moral Evil, Class Consciousness

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15 Apr 2013

Document Summary

Marx: the german ideology (1845-46: the premise of historical materialism, consequences of the division of labour. The essential principle: we can explain non-economic aspects of society (religion, law, politics) in terms of their function in reproducing the system of exploitation. Marx says- parliaments pass laws that perpetuate a system of class rule. Theories are simplified statements about how society works, thus we can take it at face value and imply it as it is given. To be fair to our intellectual perspectives, it can be a refreshing way of thinking as it gives a one sided more radical view on things. Marx"s views on community: what community is not: A look at india in the 1850"s (colonized by britain): looks at the losses and the erosions of indian social life. Village life entailed the caste system: hierarchal division of society in different status groups. Slavery existence, so loss of it is not a bad thing.

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