SOC101Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Operationalization, Post-Structuralism, Participant Observation

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30 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Ps sets itself apart from the other four major groups, by wanting to make or make with grand narratives. Ps wants to claim that the world is a very diverse place, even in a scientific world. Rejects universalism and essentialism by challenging the idea fixed structures and meanings. Words society, gender, race, class, for instance have a drastic different meaning now compared to 20, 30 years ago, it evolves as time goes on. Rejects the notion that ideas, individuals, groups, institutions, and practices have a core, stable, true essence that defines them for all time and all places. Moves away from seeking universal social laws, focus instead on how categories come into being and come to be seen the way they are. Durkheim, marx, faber, foucault, bourdieu, (all five should know) Major associated strands: critical race theory, postcolonial theory, queer theory, and many others.

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