SOC101Y1 Lecture : Introduction

61 views2 pages
9 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Can claim textbook amount on tax return: quality for for each month. Not the absolute case in each category: why the rate of suicide may differ from different categories in society: women & men, religion (catholics, protestants, jews), age, found no relationship between any rates of suicide. sociology is a systematic study of human action in social context. it is based on the idea that our relations with other people create opportunities for us to think and act but also set limits on our thoughts and action. Three revolutions had to take place before the sociological imagination could crystallize: the scientific revolution (16th c) encourages the use of evidence to substantiate theories. Philosophers argued we could have a science of not just the planets but of the sociological behavior. the democratic revolution (18th c) encouraged the view that human action can chance society.

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