SOC101Y1 Lecture : White collar crimes

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3 Mar 2011

Document Summary

88% arrested for white collar crimes were prosecuted and 74% were convicted in criminal court. Only 18% receive a prison term of more than a year in white collar crimes, stings and swindles is getting jipped; getting money through a scam. escalation: the enforcement of the law is escalating more illegal behavior. non-enforcement: breaking the rules either because you don"t think you wont be sanctioned or you know you wont www. notesolution. com be sanctioned; doing what they have to do to get to higher cases. covert facilitation: is entrapment; really hard to prove in the criminal court; can be a police officer being disguised as a drug dealer or soliciting prostitution. Covert facilitation: facilitating rule breaking by others; setting it up so that you"re enticing someone into criminal activity; encourage rule breaking. Is it possible to get someone to break the law when they wouldn"t have otherwise or are you just catching rule breakers: ex.

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