SOC102H1 Lecture : Social Class

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Capitalist and socialist, always in conflict (marx) Divided into rich and poor, exploiter and exploited (stalin) Those that have more appetite than dinners, more dinners than appetite (sebastien. Numbers change throughout time, but classes stay the same. Began as marxist, left it and began to attack it. With 3 groups, coalitions and cohesion (odd #s), with 2 groups will always be conflict (even #s) Capitalist society is characterized by conflict, not harmony. In industrial societies capitalism divides the population into two opposing classes. The working class has only 3 alternatives. Form unions and t ry to modify social conditions. For humans to live, require food to eat. In order to eat, must sell labour to others. Those that control food control society, have power over all. Who controls means of production, they control those that sell labour to them. This is what limits working class" power.

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