SOC102H1 Chapter : Habits of exploitaion-Exploitation(L2).docx

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Marx and engel"s thoughts on capitalism: these system works in their infinitely more complex forms. / they argue that in most industrial societies, capitalism divides the population into two opposing societies. Under the capitalist system, workers are provided with access to this machinery and capital, and they produce goods in exchange for a wage. The mere threat of unemployment guarantees that workers and their union representatives will comply with the capitalists" wishes. This set of economic arrangement: the bourgeoisie can rule and exploit the proletariat( ), or working class. Worker cannot do the last option, which is revolution. The means of production mediates( ) this dynamic between the capitalists and the proletariat. Marx: in every society, the means of production determines difference in social position: who is in power and who is not. / however, as the technologies of production change over time the means of production also change. ex) from horticulture ( : )to framing to industrial work.

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