SOC103H1 Lecture : Lecture Notes

95 views6 pages
15 Dec 2010

Document Summary

A source of contention: they have leading role of shaping the habitus, different kinds of families, nuclear family, traditional family. In north american traditional nuclear family is an ideology cause is a set of ideas built in to the concept of tradition: heteronormativity: ideology that we often don"t question has there components (slides) 1940-1950s: only minority of american adults live in these forms of families, new families have erupted, conservative argument: decline of nuclear traditional families have benefitted men women and children, economic and political views, rise of working women. Husband: insturmental role earning living, caring protecting family: depression ww2: postpone marriage because of poverty, when this passed everyone wanted to settle down, have children, secure family, 1941: a lot of people got married: crude fertility rate has declined: bounces up post world war 2 era, Fifty years ago, women could not get a loan or rent a car without a man.