SOC250Y1 Lecture : lecture notes

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3 Feb 2011

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Weber felt that in franklins writing and practical advice weber felt that franklin what you see in franklin is frugality hardwork etc. yet he holds that. Not just the glorification of making money but doing it in a way that exemplifies making money in a certain way. chapter 2: the spirit of capitalism. benjamin franklin (1706-1790) as exempler of the spirit scientist, inventor, statesman, entrepreneur had a strict calvaist upbringing. offer an ethos - a moralized notion of character and conduct not just business savvy or cunning work and earn; avoid hedonic distractions and waste; diligence and sobriety. Poor richard"s almanac (1732-58)i 10,000 copies circulation famous sayings and maxims. Time is money there are no gains without pains get what you can and hold what you get etc. renaissance merchants- obtain r iches and then lives and then live a lavish life-style, conspicuous consumption, pleasure and leisure.

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