SOC250Y1 Lecture : october 20
Document Summary
Supply photocopies of those pictures with the paper. Record your expressions and give reasons for those expressions. Compare art from 2 different religions exam format. Textbook chapter 1, but there"ll probably be more from lecture. Concerned with moral order and deeply anxious over the pathologies of modern societies. Durkheim emphasizes the functional role of religion in providing normative integration, a moral binding, a basis for social solidarity. In societies without division of labor had mechanical solidarity. More modern societies has more separate groups which create more individualism and there was less group feeling. He felt the individual would find it difficult to survive in a society without those totems of social solidarity. Individuals were living more autonomous lives and did not have the support that a more communal society which values group ideas over individual ones would provide. Religion is an interdependent systems of beliefs and practices regarding things which are sacred.