SOC250Y1 Lecture : Lecture november 17 2010
Document Summary
The shift from animism to polytheism; the religious sphere became politicized. Max weber (1864-1920) the historical sociology of the world religion. He does not treat religion as if it is an autonomous domain-- how religion links up with other aspects of social life. Sociologically speaking religion exerts tremendous influence on life regulation. Religion has an important voice in economics, politics, warfare, art, the erotic, education and intellectual life. Weber sought to establish the interconnections between economics, politics, war, religion etc. as these interconnections shift and unfold in the course of shaping and driving human history. Starting point: differing levels or degrees of religious intensity/ interest. There is a kind of continuum virtuoso or heroic religiosity ( a handful of individuals who need high levels of religious engagement to be fulfilled everyday or mass religiosity ( most of the human populations)