UNI101Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Penis Envy, Psychosexual Development, Genital Stage

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Freud passage: freud argues children have sexuality having pleasure. Perversion: sexuality related - diversion: invert is an outset of prevision. Freud states when we grow up we repress our infantile sexuality and manifest. Breastfeeding, sucking on thumb, or pacifier is associated with pleasure without nourishment (oral stage): during the genital stage, girls have penis envy and the clitoris is an evolved form of the penis, proving women are inferior. Sexuality is an active principal and men possessed it, and women shouldn"t or there is something wrong. It is assumed that women are sexually passive: kissing is not only pleasurable but freud argues some people can just have an orgasm from kissing, (disinterested: unbiased) freud challenged the science of the normal definition of sex. Foucault: studied history of sexuality in time. Why does certain things happen at certain periods, and what does it tell us about that culture and power.

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