WDW101Y1 Lecture Notes - Underground Garage, Exponential Growth, U.S. Route 3
Document Summary
Obvious major transformations happened in many countries. Reform era-crime, the public police, crime experts. State, not the only institution, performed by many agencies, outside of government- Policing services are offered by private companies and volunteering organizations-ex. neighbourhood watch. State employs private companies, as a way of performing social order functions. From 1996-to 2001, and then it changes again due to the 9/11. Public police remained constant relative to the population. In the us 3 times more private then public. Condos- private security personnel, and individuals who volunteer as well, ex. commercial private companies, replacing the functions of public police. bloor/ york association. Think of america as one big prison, everyone is behind the bar, and being guarded by the guards, culture of control. Data is compiled until the data is needed. Private policing is not a new thing what has changed is its growth. We are seeing a return to it.