Business Administration 2295F/G Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Team Building, Job Interview, Reinforcement

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Employees learn 2 basic types of knowledge (table 9-1 p. 278): Four types of consequences to modify employee behaviour, known as contingencies of reinforcement (fig 9-2 p. 280): o. Positive reinforcement (most common type): positive outcome follows desired behaviour. Must have direct link between behaviour and desired outcomes: doesn"t have to be monetary reward, could be simple recognition. Negative reinforcement: unwanted outcome is removed following a desired behaviour (do chores so mom doesn"t yell) Punishment: unwanted outcomes follow unwanted behaviour (suspension for showing up late) Extinction: removal of positive outcome following unwanted behaviour: to create learning, managers should use positive reinforcement and, the timing of the reinforcement is also important, known as schedules extinction of reinforcement (table 9-2 p. 282) Continuous reinforcement is the simplest schedule; new learning is acquired rapidly under this schedule. Also seen as the least long lasting schedule. Variable interval schedule: reinforce behaviour at random points (i. e. supervisor walking around)