Classical Studies 2301A/B Lecture 2: Greek History

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Ad = anno domini (in the year of the lord) goes before year. Bce = before common era (323 bce is before 322 bce) No year zero 1 ce is after 1 bce. Dominant minoan civilization on crete in uences emerging mycenaean civilization (greek mythology developed) 1100-900 bce the early dark age (very little evidence) 900 bce cities more larger and complex. 750-480 bce the archaic period (ends with persian war) [8th century] Time of great change ( rst olympic games was 776 bce) Polis is developed (city with own individual government) [sparta] Greeks sent out colonies around mediterranean & black seas. 594 bce; solon reformed athenian gov & made political representation based off of wealth. 508 bce; kleisthenes further reformed gov to democracy. 499 bce battles between greeks & persians (persians being defeated) ionian revolt. 480-323 bce the classical period**** (ends with death of alexander) Victory over persians statues created by phidias.

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