Computer Science 1032A/B Lecture : Mar 5&7.docx
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COMPSCI 1032A/B Full Course Notes
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Assignment er diagram, access database march 20th. Related to intellectual property: form of creative endeavor that can be protected through a trademark, patent, copyright, industrial design, or integrated circuit topography. Organizations may store: data, documents, spreadsheets, presentations, web pages, text from blogs and discussion boards, graphics, video files, audio files. Challenge is not collecting but distributing and presenting the content. Content mgmt. challenge: processing and storing the right content, getting the right content to the right person in the right format at the right time. Management of content data: database mgmt. systems (dbms) Effectively and efficiently storing & processing data. Presentation of content: content mgmt. system (cms) When an employee wants to place some content on the org"s website the have to access the cms. Located on the company"s website server: employees then loads the raw content into the web cms system.