Computer Science 1033A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Dither, Display Resolution, Huffman Coding
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COMPSCI 1033A/B Full Course Notes
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Survival of the fastest on the web. Problem: image size isn"t appropriate, doesn"t look good, but downloads fast. Images slow things down because it is small. Solution: choose the appropriate size needed and then use image optimization techniques. Color resolution - max # of colours used (24 bits,16 bits, 8 bits) File formats good for web: . gif, . jpg, . png. Supports a max of 8-bit color scheme. 8 bits/pixel (28 = 256 colors) thus good for clipart but not good for photos. Best for large areas or solid flat colour. Uses: illustrations, logos, text as graphics, cartoons, buttons. Saving an image with 24 bit colour (. jpeg) - (. gif) will lower the quality the first time you convert it to a gif. Summary: smaller file sizes and max of 256 colors. Gifs allow for animation, don"t require a plugin to animate, work in all browsers. Common image format used on the internet.