Computer Science 1033A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Tim Berners-Lee, Web Directory, Pagerank
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1980 tim berners lee proposed a way of sharing research papers using the internet and hypertext. Proposed html tags otags always start with < and end with > Place holder tags (standalone or unpaired tags): Link to a particular spot within a page (named anchors) Webmaster submits his/her site to the directory and then humans decide whether or not is worthy to be in the directory and if so, which categories to put it in. Doesn"t get as much traffic as a search engine. Finding all the data on the web and building a database. Web crawlers/ web spiders crawl the internet constantly, going from page to page. Index/database ocontains an alphabetical list of words it finds (keywords) oindex is stored in a really big data base. Given keywords from a searcher, returning the best/most appropriate pages. Uses index to decide which pages have the given words.