English 1022E Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Iambic Pentameter, Scansion, Trochee

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Iambic pentameter: iambic foot , trochaic foot , spondaic foot (very important, pyrrhic foot . *iambic pentameter is important, as it helps the reader to understand and see words emphasized by the author, that help to communicate the meaning of the poem and subjects in it. End-stopped line the line finishes with a period. Enjambed line the line continues on to the next line (there is no period at the end) The speaker is speaking to a younger man. (assumed to be male because the author is. The poem is about death and aging. The speaker is aware of his aging and readily admits it. However, with humour he claims that he"s old, but not that old. He prepares the young boy for leaving him. The yellow leaf is a symbol of fall, of loss of vitality, and of winter coming. The bough shaking against the cold could connote his old bones, impending and fighting death.