Management and Organizational Studies 2181A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Role Conflict, Mental Models, Job Performance

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A group consists of more than 2 people interacting independently to achieve a common goal. Groups develop through stages: forming orient themselves, storming conflict emerges and sorting out responsibilities is often an issue, norming members solve issues here. Norms are agreed on and group becomes cohesive: performing group devotes it"s energy towards task accomplishment, adjourning members often exhibit emotional support for each other. Group membership is important because: groups exert influence on us and, groups provide a context in which we are able to exert influence on others. Formal works groups: groups that are established by organizations to facilitate achievement of organizational goals: this includes task forces, project teams, and committees. Informal groups: groups that emerge naturally in response to the common interests of organizational members. Depending on norms and behaviors it could either hurt or help the organization. Critical in setting the agenda for what will happen. Group gathers information and holds meetings but makes little progress.