Media, Information and Technoculture 2151A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Goblin Market, Industrial Revolution, Places In Harry Potter

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Represents the anxiety of women entering the market place during the. An articulation of many gender anxieties that persist in the media to this day. Fundamentally about buying and selling, and is a critique of the system. Ex. texture of the fur, the ruff of his colour, size of hat: women as signs of luxury to be consumed by men. Women were not shoppers, but signs of luxury. The ideal of beauty was different (ex. This ideal existed because what women demonstrated was the. Skinny women were poor and couldn(cid:495)t afford to eat, voluptuous demonstrated that they had an abundance of food and lived a life of leisure. Women were not consumers themselves because the space of consumer objects was not open to them, it was a public, male space. Feminism and consumerism directly linked: most women had to spend the entire day doing chores (no technology enforced the tie to domestic space, industrial revolution freed women from domestic drudgery.