Political Science 2231E Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Preemptive War, Collective Security, Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty

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Illegitimate and unjustified use of force against another country. : finland military response to soviet aggression in 1940. Attacking a country to avoid being attacked. Joint use of force by more than two countries under international law. One or more countries send forces into another country to achieve a political objective. Multilateral intervention can be used to remove a regime that abuses human rights. A neutral term, unlike collective security or self-defense; military intervention not always justified. Military force tends to be a last resort. Evidence also shows that the utility of military force relative to nonmilitary means is slowly declining. (pevehouse and. Do not join alliances like nato and eu. Their un participation was even a controversial domestic issue. Does not engage in any use of force. Great evidence that arsenals and use of conventional force can be irrelevant to national security. No side will launch a war because it ensures the destruction of both countries.