Psychology 2035A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Gender Role, Social Constructionism, Silent Treatment
Document Summary
Gender: the state of being male or female. Sex: biologically based differences between males and females. Gender stereotypes: widely shared beliefs about males" and females" abilities, personality and social behavior. Male stereotypes generally reflect the quality of instrumentality. Androcentrism: the belief that the male is the norm. Hegarty and buechel - found that gender differences are reported in terms of wome different rather than men; men are the norm from which women deviate. Meta-analysis: combines the statistical results of many studies of the same question, yield estimate of the size and consistency of a variable"s effect. Gender similarities hypothesis (janet shibley hyde): notes that men and women are on most psychological variables and that the most of the time when researchers rep difference, it is quite small. Aggression: involves behavior that is intended to hurt someone, either physically or verbal. Relational aggression: giving someone the "silent treatment" to get one"s way, talki behind another"s back, or spreading rumours.