Psychology 3221F/G Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: J. B. S. Haldane, Nepotism, Konrad Lorenz

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In many species, parents provide no care for the young: most insects, amphibians and reptiles (e. g. sea turtles) In some species, parental care is the rule: some insects, amphibians and reptiles (e. g. crocodiles), many sh & all mammals, almost all birds. Malleefowl sw australia guard mound until eggs hatch & then young run away. Animals provide parental care in many ways: food, heat for young unable to thermoregulate. Heat for developing eggs in birds & some reptiles. Parental investment: anything done for the offspring that bene ts offspring while decreasing parental tness (e. g. other existing offspring, future reproduction, aid to kin). To qualify as parental investment , the behaviour must have a cost. Helps explain con ict between parents and offspring: Con ict over the amount of parental investment: Costs increase because next reproduction is delayed. Offspring costs increase at half the rate of parental costs.

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