ADMS 1000 Lecture Notes - Foreign Direct Investment, Franchising, Canadian Business

ADMS 1000 Full Course Notes
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Sessions 7 & 8: the global context i and ii. What is globalization: globalization is a process that involves, the integration of world economics. The presence of trade blocs reflects the accelerating pace with which nations are integrating their economies. Trade agreement, is a free-trade bloc consisting of canada, the united states and. The eu (european union) groups 25 countries, while apec (asian. Pacific economic cooperation) consists of 21 nations forming a free-trade zone around the pacific: the integration of world markets. This reflects the notion that consumer preferences are converging around the world. Whether it is for products made by mcdonald"s, sony, gap or nike, organizations are increasingly marketing their goods and services worldwide. Though local modifications may be made to tailor the product to the local consumers, there is a push toward global products. On the other side, production is increasingly becoming a global affair.