CHEM 3050 Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: Atp Synthase, Electrochemical Gradient, Mitochondrial Matrix

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CHEM 3050
Lecture 24
Complex 5: ATP Synthase
- Uses the proton gradient to drive the
phosphorylation of ADP
- two main components
o F0 integral membrane part
Where the protons come back into the
mitochondrial matrix
o F1 makes the ATP
o Three sites of action
- Proton gradient goes through A domain (not just
straight through), the action of going through acts
like a ratchet that turns F1 arm that twists and
ratchets multiple domains to be available in binding;
each ratchet step has a role in making ATP.
- Gamma domain goes through both and holds it
o Remember you need Mg catalysis
- ATP synthase works like a ratchet to move protons
and drive ATP synthesis
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