HIST 3581 Lecture Notes - Clergy Reserve, American Civil War, Central Canada
Document Summary
The french were present from the early 16th century and on. By the time the french were conquered in 1759, there was 55,000 french. With the conquest of new france, for decades they were a small minority that formed a political and economic elite: ex: court system, businessmen, fur trade. The royal proclamation established the first english legislation over new france. It introduced english institutions in france and tried to assimilate the french with. English laws but the quebec act changed that and recognized the french legal system, the land-owning system and rights that were established under the french regime, It gave rise to modern day quebec and ontario. There was expectations for there to also be the democratic rights and institutions from the united states. Elections, debates in legislature, laws, taxation: even though there was an establishment of upper canada, the governor still had an enormous amount of power. Before a law is established, it needs the governor"s signature.