HUMA 1860 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Dharma, Upanishads, Religious Text
Document Summary
Rituals and practices can be very different for different hindus. Epics did not provide clear happy endings or morals. Summary -vedas are for priests the classical epics go down a caste the rulers and etc bhakti hinduism even lower castes who can practice hindu thought and culture. These were the first hindus who explicitly claimed the word hindu for themselves they were comfortable describing their spiritual practices as. Ram mohan roy founder of the brahmo samaj (1772-1833) disciples: vivekananda school built on vedanta, most popular/famous school. India the british used sati to stereotype hindu men as barbaric widow burners. Muslims study the qu"ran and how christians study the bible: wanted to resist christian missionary movement, there wasn"t a hindu conversion movement because there wasn"t a. Hindu to convert to it started with him. Gadadhar chateerjee the ramakrishna movement: wasn"t chaterjee who was significant in the movement but rather his, one important school of vedanta movement not standard.