KINE 4518 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Mcf-7, Weight Gain, Resveratrol
Document Summary
Cellular tumor antigen, that triggers an immune response in the host, useful as a tumor marker in identifying tumor cells w/ diagnostic testing for potential cancer therapy candidates. Involved in cell cycle and apoptosis (cell death), responsible for decision of cell to live/die", transcription factor, gene targets induce cell cycle arrest or apoptosis. Protein level regulated post-translationally, p53 levels/activity 6 low in unstressed cells. Cell cycle control: induces cell cycle arrest during dna damage (uv) Transcribe p21 inhibits cyclin e/cdk2 g1 arrest. Apoptosis: during dna damage p53 up-regulates pro-apoptotic genes. Function regulated by: regulation of p53 protein levels, cellular localization of the protein, modulation of activity. Mdm2 main inhibitor of p53 function: degrades p53, shuttles p53 out of nucleus, binds and inhibits p53 prevents interaction w/ other transcription factors. Small molecules that can re-establish normal p53 function, changes 3-d structure, binds targets, complicated . Prima-1 first generation, toxic at higher concentrations, promising start, second generation better.