BIO 115 Lecture 23: Bio 115 - Lecture 23

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9 Dec 2020

Document Summary

If selection is direction: the smaller fish is more likely to be produced next. Selects against extremes generation would have a smaller population. Selects for the mean and tends to result in less variance. Disruptive selection: selects for the extreme values. How much the population changes depends on: Selection differential measure the strength of selection. Heritability is the same standard across this population. How the selection differential can change what you expect in a generation change. Differentiation of mean trait of breeding individuals and the population=strong. Difference is smaller: reproducing individuals aren"t different from non- selection reproducing individuals: weak selection. Largest response to selection when heritability is 1. Chosen parents to reproduce with different trait values by no evolution since trait is not heritable. Can select all you want but no evolution. Quantitative trait locus (qtl) analysis links traits with genes. Due to heritability, selection and evolution aren"t the same.