PHL 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Physical Law, Mental Property, Richard Swinburne

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3 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Phl 201 - lecture 5 - the mind-body problem. Our minds aren"t a material part of the body. Raising questions about the afterlife and immortality. Our minds just interact with our material body. There"s a physical world and a mental world. Overmedicating children rather than engaging in talk therapy. Giving children medicine to reduce behavioral issues to alter their thinking/thought process. Many people are looking to understand the world outside of earth but we can"t get ourselves to understand philosophical things like this. Self is more distant than any star : dualism: world = mental things + material things (where mental is different than material) Some philosophers include: plato, aristotle, st. augustine, thomas aquinas, Rene descartes, richard swinburne, j. p moreland: materialism: a. k. a physicalism; world is a material place. Our mentalities are an aspect of the material world. Most philosophers and scientists hold these views: idealism: reality is consciousness from which material reality either emerges or is an illusion.