HUM 2395 Lecture Notes - Lecture 17: Army Of Republika Srpska, Eurasian Economic Space, Ethnic Cleansing

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26 Sep 2016

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It was a civil war, but international observers and policy makers incorrectly viewed it as an ethnic conflict. In reality, the war in bosnia was wages by ethnic militias against civilian populations in regions that these militias sought to control. The conflict emerged as a result of the disintegration of communist yugoslavia. Yugoslavia was a multinational state, comprised for five different national republics and two additional autonomous areas. The rise of the nationalism occurred as the idea of yugoslavism diminished alongside communism. The decline of communism can be linked to economic stagnation dating for the 1970s opec price shocks. 1970s, yugoslavia found itself unable to borrow from any private banks and had to accept a structural adjustment agreement from the imf. Yugoslavia republics continued to print money, which engendered hyper-inflation, and high unemployment. All of this was indication enough that the federal government had lost the capacity to govern yugoslavia as a single economic space.

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