BIO 115 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Nitrifying Bacteria, Phosphorus Cycle, Nitrogen Fixation

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Ecology cont: the carbon cycle fits the generalized scheme of biogeochemical cycles better than water. Energy is taken from atm and turned into high energy molecule: autotrophs - use sunlight - create atp - mixed with atm co2 = high energy carbon molecule = sugar. Bitrigen eneters ecosystem through two natural pathways. Atmospheric deposition - where usable nitrogen is added to the soil or dust. Takes place in areas w/ no-low o2 concentration. Legumes get growths that keep o2 outside so it can work. Soy bean fixes more n2 than it uses. Two ways to mkae atp - substrate and oxidation phosphorylation (etc - electron transport chain - transport electrons (like trophic levels each time used) need electorns for proton gradient, electrons from sun) A ton of energy to make three bonds, we don"t have the energy to break it down to use it = atm nitrogen.