BIOS10115 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Human Microbiota, Cerebrospinal Fluid, Bone Marrow

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Stages: contamination presence of microbes, occurs all the time, infection multiplication of microbes in or on cells. Where the immune system kicks in or treatment is most effective: disease host cannot carry on normally. Pathogenicity capability to produce disease: low rarely cause disease (or disease is mild, high usually cause disease, pathogen = parasite. Virulence intensity of the disease caused by a pathogen (how bad is the pathogen) The weakening of a pathogen"s virulence: natural or through genetic manipulation. Transposal of virulence repeated passage of a pathogen to new hosts (new species). Attenuated viruses often used for vaccines: mumps, measles, influenza and others. Live on or in without causing diease (commensals) 10x more microbes per body than cells in body. Tissues and organs: middle and inner ear, sinuses, internal eye, bone marrow, muscles, glands, organs, circulatory system, brain and spinal cord, ovaries and testes. Body fluids: blood, cerebrospinal fluid, saliva in glands, urine in kidneys.