BIOS10115 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Tsetse Fly, Yellow Fever, Cell Membrane

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The next step association of specific microbes to specific diseases: robert koch. Causative agent of anthrax (found in animals that eat grass affecting skin and lungs) Anthrax bacteria is relatively large, and has endospores. Developed postulates to prove an organism is the cause of a disease. The same microbes are present in every case of the disease. The microbes are isolated form the tissues of a dead animal, and a pure culture is prepared. Microbes from the pure culture are inoculated into a healthy animal. The identical microbes are isolate and recultivated from the tissue specimens of the experimental animals. Postulates (one organisms one disease: semmelweis. The 20th century: electron microscope, antibiotics, isolation of individual genes, the age of molecular biology and molecular genetics. Cell the basic unit of all living organisms. Nucleus compartment within some cells that maintains and processes genetic material. Nucleic acid genetic material (dna and rna)