BIO SCI 38 Lecture Notes - Lecture 28: Viral Vector, Gria1, Electrophysiology

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10 Jan 2020

Document Summary

Tone -shock fear conditioning leads to insertion of glur1 receptors (ampa receptors) into synapses from neurons of the lateral amygdala. Use of viral vector overexpression a modified glur1 receptor that had different properties that could be measured electrophysiologically. Train rats in tone -shock fear conditioning. Examine electrophysiological properties of neurons in slice culture. Found evidence of new ampa receptor insertion in paired trained rats. Insertion of non-functional glur1 receptors blocks fear learning and ltp. Use of viral vector overexpression of a modified glur1 receptor that acts as a dominant negative and prevents incorporation of endogenous glur1 receptors. Not shown: both groups of rats show similar high freezing immediately after. Postsynaptic receptor trafficking underlying a form of associative learning: conditioning. Use of viral vector injections in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala, a region of the brain necessary for classical toneshock conditioning.