MCD BIO CM156 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Linkage Disequilibrium, Human Genome Project, Affymetrix

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Does the allele have a significant association with the trait: causal inference: linkage disequilibrium and population structure, high throughput genotyping, genome-wide association study (gwas, architecture of human disease, reading paper (ganna et al. How much greater is your risk when you have the resistance allele. Certain population have a higher frequency of certain diseases that lead to diabetes. Add populations together shows polymorphism and link to diabetes. It is an artifact resulting from population admixture . Mice think they will die and swims rapidly to the platform. From candidate genes to genome-wide association (how to determine what causes human disease?) Reference sequence (human genome project: genetic variants from populations around the world, high throughput genotyping (affymetrix, illumina) Fragment, denature and hybridize to immobilized 50- mers (hybridize to the beads) By checking the ones that lit up to show disease. *linear regression is a statistical method for testing and describing the linear relationship between variables.