MCD BIO CM156 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Haplotype, Human Genetics, Y Chromosome

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We look at the y chromosome throughout the tree. Good because there is a single copy of the y chromosome. Thomas jefferson did have children that were slaves. Took a look at the mitochondria instead of the y chromosome. Each circle is a haplotype, a specific recombination of the y chromosome. Mutations occur over time but it"s a linear change and sometimes it might be due to the change in divergence. Looking at species variation we can see how long ago they diverged. With haplotypes, we can detect how informative a population is. Modern humans originated in africa about 150,000 years ago and subsequently migrated throughout the world. Regional hypothesis: left africa, settled down somewhere, then those populations diverged. Out of africa hypothesis: straight up left africa. Every human came from africa and migrated out towards the rest of the world. Molecular clock analysis shows body lice originated about 72,000 years ago.