CHEM 1A Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Noble Gas, Nonmetal, Ion

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12 Oct 2016
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CHEM 1A Full Course Notes
CHEM 1A Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Why do atoms gain or lose electrons: to attain the same number of electrons as the nearest noble gas, tendency is to take the shortest path because it is the most energy favorable and the least resistant. Trend: metals tend to lose electrons, nonmetals tend to gain electrons to become a noble gas state or configuration. Molecules: ensemble of atoms put together, still pure substances, have fixed composition meaning if i change the ratio of atoms stuck together then i am going to change the compound. O2 = molecule but not compound: element = only made of one type of atom, compound is always a molecule. Tells you just the ratio of atoms to atoms to different atoms. Gives on relative number of atoms of each type of in a molecule. All ionic compounds are usually listed as empirical formulas: molecular formula. Take on molecule and tell you the actual amount of atoms.