BIOS 222 Lecture Notes - Lecture 21: Polop, Cell Cycle Checkpoint, P53

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Epithelial cells adult diff"d cells, funct with other cells in tissue. Often lose clear borders, lose ec and cell to cell itneractions and attacments. Wherever someone gets cancer, certain types have same types of mutations in them. Take piece of tumor, check to see if seen it before, because some cancers have known charac"s. learning about mutations and how accum over time. Cancer cells evolve in terms of pop of cells, its an evol. In sense that genetic material in cells is drastically diff than origin cells from either 6, 10 100 cell divisions before it. Using transport pathway within body to go somewhere else. Cells diff shape and less mature than surr cells. Fig 20-45b find out tumor is secondary by looking at piece of liver, multiple tumors that are fast growing, doesn"t happen with primary tumor. Levels of complexity from oldest to youngest cells. Metastases look similar tho, in this pic slice of tissue.