BIOS 222 Lecture Notes - Lecture 22: Cdc25, Tumor Suppressor Gene, Dna Replication

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Know basic parts of cell cycle and what happens during basic parts. Know main events where there"s a barrier for. Obstacles overcome in phases because cell cycle not promoted unless signals received indicating that it can. Know 3 main checkpoints and hypothetical ?"s each address. Talked about kinase activity, how they are expressed, but their function depends on conc of cyclin. Cyclin conc if goes up, that"s what"s sends cell to next phase of cell cycle. Fig 18-9 cyclin conc being strictly reg"d, if not being used, it"s ubiquiniated/destroyed. Won"t keep protein around, destruction of cyclin drives inactivity of cdk. Diff cdk"s have methods of inhibition and activatin. In this case, m-cdk has inhibt p. not phosph"d changes conf, but has p that prevents it from being activie with cyclin even if there"s enough cyclin/conc to bind it. P27-protein doesn"t permit the two active proteins to carry out funct.