CHEM 210 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Laura Bohannan, Linguistic Anthropology, Molecular Anthropology

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5 May 2016

Document Summary

Sociocultural anthropology: describes, analyzes, and compares the widest possible range of human social, political, and economic institutions with an emphasis on present day. Linguistic anthropology: studies studies language as a form of social action; language makes us who we are, and how we make language what it is. Anthropological anthropology: seeks to understand the human past by examining the remains of human activities. Biological anthropology: investigates human evolutionary history, causes of present day genetic diversity and the biology of human behavior. Terms to know from lecture and/or woh: ethnocentrism; familiarizing/ defamiliarizing; juxtaposition; thin vs. Thick descriptions ( very, very basic sense of that); universals vs. particulars. Ethnocentrism: the tendency to view one"s own culture as best and to judge the behavior and beliefs of culturally different people by one"s own standards. Familiarizing: making the strange familiar; learning unfamiliar categories on their own terms. Defamiliarizing: making the familiar strange; unsettling what is taken for granted.