CHEM 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 15: Intermolecular Force

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30 Apr 2020

Document Summary

Solids immediate surroundings their in particles are in in place a fixed arrangement and are locked particles can rotate or vibrate in their position. Liquids particles are in loose contact and they are in motion particles are constantly bumping each other can occupy any location within the volume of liquid. Gases the location can be anywhere particles are widely separated their move freely entropy always favor the gas phase. Entrophy is the mathematical measure of the options for a system is distributed among its various bonds and motions more options more entropy how energy of molecules more options greater volume. 1 options for locations related to the volume of the sample a. 2 options for orientations relates to the direction and whether the molecule is free to face in any direction. 3 options for motion vibrations or rotations of. Solids lot of options does not have can vibrate or little entropy and a a rotate lot of restrictions.