BIO 337 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Golden Spiny Mouse, Torpor, Ground Squirrel
Document Summary
03/10 - sleep is of, by, and for the brain. When conditions aren"t optimal for survival (i. e. limited food, increased predation) When cost to keep energy up are less than the dangers of doing so (likely benefits vs energetic costs trade-off) minimize activity to reduce energy demands. Mobilize internal energy stores and decrease external energy demands. Sleep on continuum of state of enforced dormancy with hostile environments. Thermoregulatory features of sleep, shallow torpor, and hibernation are similar. Enter torpor (part of day where body temp drops and animal sleeps) and hibernation through slow-wave sleep. Enter torpor & lower levels (sws) when during sws and with lowering temperature. Body heating augments subsequent sws and how it evokes a decrease in brain. & body temp (relationship btw sws & thermoregulation) Golden-mantled ground squirrel going into hibernation (enters sws) - body temp drops.