CSB345H1 Lecture : My notes

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Low grade matter, less energy in grass. dont" get sleep not ime coz need to eat to maintain enough e nergy. hypotheszed, rel b/w mr and body size. implied slee p had sth to with mr or energy met. Regular sleep itself doesnt involve much of a redu ction in mr but really depends on the perspective. In this hamster, overnight, typical ul trasian periodcity in mr asstd with ultradian osci llation in body temps. Hams ters pretty active when awake but also we can see even when they"re asleep mr is fairly high and the saving ast with sleep of mr is not all that great. In little animals like this, the savings are mor e important in large animals such as ourselves. Under stress conditions like this, many small animals like this find it h ard to survive under these conditions for many hou rs in one go w/o eating if they maintain a normal.

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