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Class Notes

Taken by our most diligent verified note takers in class covering the entire semester.
L24 Math 233 Lecture 16: L24 Math 233 - October 3 - Chain Rule
*prof shareshian was absent, so prof wickerhauser gave the lecture. Steps to differentiate using the chain rule. Make a tree of dependencies with all t
L24 Math 233 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Differentiable Function
Differentiability/differentials is differentiable at (a, b) if when we write x, b (a, ) y. + f y b f f y (x, ) (a. + + f lim y) Theorem: say f x and f
L24 Math 233 Lecture Notes - Lecture 18: Directional Derivative, Differentiable Function, Unit Vector
L24 Math 233 Lecture Notes - Lecture 19: Tangent Space, Directional Derivative, Unit Vector
Math 233 lecture 19 reason behind how to find maximum directional. Why is the directional derivative maximized in the direction of the gradient of f ?:
L24 Math 233 Lecture Notes - Lecture 20: Talking Lifestyle 1278, Implicit Function, Partial Derivative
Math 233 lecture 20 exam 2 review. Limit: find the limit of (x2-y2)/(x+y) as (x,y) goes to (0,0) When (x,y) (0,0), (x2-y2)/(x+y) = (x2-y2)(x-y)/(x+y)(x
L24 Math 233 Lecture Notes - Lecture 21: Multivariable Calculus, Minimax, Fxx
Math 233 lecture 21 local max & min. Single-variable calculus: we work locally: when there is a max/min, the value at that point is greater/less than t
L24 Math 233 Lecture Notes - Lecture 23: 32X, Level Set
Math 233 lecture 23 extreme values. {(x,y) | x2+y2<1}: not closed, missing its entire boundary. {(x,y) | x2+y2 1, but (x,y) (1,0)}: not closed, missing
L24 Math 233 Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: Level Set, Minimax
Math 233 lecture 24 applying lagrange"s idea. Lagrange"s idea (recap: minimize or maximize f(x,y) subject to constraint g(x,y) = k, draw curve g(x,y) =
L24 Math 233 Lecture Notes - Lecture 25: Multiple Integral
L24 Math 233 Lecture 26: Math 233 – Lecture 26 – Double Integrals
Math 233 lecture 26 double integrals. Fubini"s theorem if f is continuous on the rectangle r = [a,b] [c,d], then. A b c f(x,y) dxdy = 0 d f(x,y) dydx =
L24 Math 233 Lecture Notes - Lecture 27: Cartesian Coordinate System, Polar Coordinate System, Polar Regions Of Earth
Math 233 lecture 27 double integrals in polar coordinates. D 0: d can be rectangles or areas bounded by two curves. Polar coordinates: we know in polar
L24 Math 233 Lecture 28: Math 233 – Lecture 28 – Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates II
Math 233 lecture 28 double integrals in polar coordinates ii. Say function f has a base area d shown below: to calculate the volume bounded by the base
L24 Math 233 Lecture 29: Math 233 - Lecture 29 - Surface Area
L24 Math 233 Lecture 30: Math 233 - Lecture 30 - Change of Variables
L24 Math 233 Lecture 31: Math 233 - Lecture 31 - HW9 Problems
L24 Math 233 Lecture 32: Math 233 - Lecture 32 - Triple Integrals
L24 Math 233 Lecture 33: Math 233 - Lecture 33 - Spherical Coordinates & Exam 3 Review
L24 Math 233 Lecture 34: Math 233 - Lecture 34 - Vector Field & Exam 3 Review